Nominations open for 2024 Honorary membership

The ASCI is pleased to call for nominations for 2024 Honorary membership. Nominees for this recognition must fit the criteria as given in the ASCI bylaws:

Any distinguished person who has contributed significantly to the Society’s objectives, who has not been previously and unsuccessfully nominated for Active or International membership, and who enjoys an unimpeachable moral standing is eligible for nomination in this category.

For the nominee who meets these criteria, there is no restriction on age or degree held.

The deadline for receipt of nominations is January 16, 2024, at 11:59 pm Eastern (extended from December 8 , 2023). Nominations will be screened to ensure they are complete and fit the nomination criteria. The Council reviews nominations and submits its recommendations to Active and Senior members for approval.


  • must be an ASCI member in good standing, including members of the Council, and
  • must provide a statement (250-word limit) regarding the nominee.


  • must provide a full curriculum vitae and
  • must complete the ASCI’s demographic survey.

To start a nomination:

The nominator must initiate the process:

  • Access your member account
  • Go to the “Nominations” tab
  • In the section for “Honorary membership”:
    • Select “I’m the nominator” option
    • Search for your nominee:
      • If found, click on “Create nomination”.
      • If no result is found, enter the requested information (first name, last name, and email address), save, and then click on “Create nomination”.
    • At the top of the nomination form, click on “Send nominee information to access the nominee’s part of the nomination” to send the nominee an email to access and edit her/his aspect of the nomination (see above).


Call for applications to ASCI’s Postbac Program

The ASCI is pleased to call for applications for the Society’s new Postbac Program.

This program provides an intensive, two-year mentored laboratory research experience for students that will expose them to the physician-scientist career path, strengthen their applications to MD or MD-PhD programs, and enhance their career development.

From the applicants, two finalists will be selected and each matched with a host lab where the Principal Investigator is an ASCI member with an outstanding mentoring record and resources to ensure in-depth research training. The two-year period will be mid-2024 through mid-2026.

Applicants are college graduates who are either in their last year of undergraduate study or received their bachelor’s degree within TWO years at the time of submission. Applicants should intend to apply to medical school during their second year of the Postbac Program.

Applications consist of:

  • a 750-word essay that describes your research experience, current interests and career goals, and anything else you would like us to know about you;
  • an undergraduate transcript (PDF);
  • a curriculum vitae (PDF);
  • headshot photograph (JPG etc.) (this file is not used in the review process);
  • two letters of recommendation (see more below); and
  • a completed ASCI demographics survey.

The application deadline is March 4, 2024, at 11:59 pm Eastern (extended from February 16). See the Postbac Program FAQ section for additional key dates.

Interested in applying?

Email to request that an application be set up. You’ll receive an email providing information to access your application.

  • You can return to and edit the application until you’ve submitted it.
  • If you submit the application before the deadline and wish to edit it, email us and we’ll reopen the application.

Letters of recommendation

In your application, you’ll see a “Letters of recommendation” section where you can look up your supporters and add them if not found in our database. Supporters do not need to be affiliated with the ASCI in any way.

You’re responsible for notifying supporters to provide their letters online. Supporters are asked to complete two sections:

  • a statement (500-word limit) detailing your strengths and suitability to this program; and
  • a brief statement regarding their relationship to you.

Note that you won’t be able to submit your application until you’ve notified your supporters. In this section, you’ll be able to see whether supporters’ forms are in progress or submitted. You’ll also receive an email notification when each supporter submits her/his form.

Call for volunteer: Chair of the new Philanthropy Committee

The ASCI seeks a volunteer to chair a newly established Philanthropy Committee.

The ideal volunteer ASCI member will help establish and nurture potential donors to the organization. The goal is to obtain major gifts that can be used to support the mission of the ASCI, including but not limited to supporting scientific efforts, educational needs, and clinical aspirations of physician-scientists to improve the health of our communities.

As part of this mission, the ASCI provides two programs for early-career physician-scientists: the Young Physician-Scientist Awards (YPSAs), for those who are within 5 years of their first faculty appointment, and the Emerging-Generation (E-Gen) Awards, for those who are within 3 to 9 years of earning their MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent degrees. Both the YPSAs and E-Gen Awards are intended to connect early-career physician-scientists with the ASCI community through access to the annual AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting and virtual career development, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

This year, the ASCI has initiated a new program, the ASCI Postbac Program, that will support Underrepresented in Medicine and Science (UiMS) students in obtaining an intensive, mentored, laboratory research experience. The goal of this program is to expose students to the physician-scientist career pathway and strengthen their applications to MD or MD/PhD programs.

The Society envisions expanding these programs further to support the careers of physician-scientists, and the Philanthropy Committee Chair will play a critical role in these efforts.

The Chair will serve an initial 3-year term, joined by a Vice Chair (the current ASCI Secretary-Treasurer) and other ex-officio Council members. In addition, the Chair will be supported by other non-Council volunteer members (to be selected by the Chair with approval of the President) and ASCI staff. As part of donor cultivation, the Chair will be host of an annual donor-recognition dinner in Chicago on the evening prior to the start of the Joint Meeting.

The ASCI anticipates the effort for the Chair to be approximately 5 hours per month. The ASCI will provide reimbursement for travel and related expenses accrued for Committee work, including registration, hotel, and travel for the Joint Meeting.

Those interested should send a CV and a brief (~250-word) statement of interest, including relevant experience, by November 6 to

Nominations open for mid-career member awards, 2024

The ASCI is pleased to call for nominations for awards recognizing the scholarly achievements of mid-career members:

The Marian W. Ropes, MD, Award recognizes a middle-career woman physician-scientist. The annual award honors Dr. Ropes (1903–1994), a pioneer both as a researcher on the role of synovial fluid in joint diseases and as a woman in academic medicine. She was the first woman documented to have been elected to the ASCI. The recipient of this award receives a $10,000 honorarium, will be recognized at the ASCI’s 2024 annual meeting, and gives the Ropes Lecture at the 2025 meeting.

The Louis W. Sullivan, MD, Award recognizes a middle-career physician-scientist who is underrepresented in medicine and science. The award honors Dr. Sullivan (born 1933), a hematologist, health care advocate, and policy leader — having served as US Secretary of Health and Human Services — and who was the first Black physician-scientist elected to the ASCI. The recipient of this award receives a $10,000 honorarium, will be recognized at the ASCI’s 2024 annual meeting, and gives the Sullivan Lecture at the 2025 meeting.

ASCI members who were elected in 2019 or more recently may be nominated. Additionally:

  • For the Ropes Award, only female members are eligible for nomination.
  • For the Sullivan Award, only UiMS members are eligible for nomination.

The deadline for receipt of nominations is November 27, 2023, at 11:59 pm Eastern (extended from November 13). Nominations will be screened to ensure they are complete and fit the award criteria. The ASCI’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will review nominations and submit its recommendations to the ASCI Council for approval. We expect to notify nominees about the outcome by January 2024.


  • must be an ASCI member, except for current members of the ASCI Council and the ASCI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, and
  • must provide a statement regarding the nominee (500-word limit).


  • must fit the criteria noted above and may not be current members of the ASCI Council and the ASCI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee;
  • may be nominated only for one ASCI award (for example, a nominee for the Ropes Award may not be nominated for the Sullivan Award, Korsmeyer Award, or Harrington Prize);
  • must provide the following:
    • a personal statement (750-word limit) on their scientific achievements, with attention to relevant personal and career history (including a statement of diversity), mentoring experience, and service to the community;
    • a full curriculum vitae; and
    • 3 most-significant publications, each with a 50-word annotation, followed by the member’s role in the publication, the journal name and publication year, and the Pubmed ID noted as “PMID:12345”;
  • and must complete the ASCI’s demographic survey.

To start a nomination:

  • Access your member account
  • Go to the “Nominations” tab
  • In the section for the award of interest:
    • If you are the nominee, select the “I’m the nominee” option to start your part of the nomination (only you have access to this information); note that this option will not be available for the Ropes Award for male members.
    • If you are the nominator, select “I’m the nominator” option, then search for your nominee. Only nominees who were elected starting 2019 will appear in the results. Note: for the Ropes Award, you will only be able to select a nominee who is a woman; for the Sullivan Award, you may select anyone who is within the election-year window, but nominations will be screened (based on the information the nominee provides in the demographics survey) to ensure that nominees fit the UiMS criterion.

Definition of UiMS

The ASCI defines underrepresented in medicine in science as follows: Underrepresented in medicine and science (UiMS) refers to populations that are underrepresented relative to their numbers in the general US population. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, physician-scientists who identify in the following racial and/or ethnic groups: Black/African American, Hispanic or Latin American, Native American/American Indian or Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander; individuals with disabilities: physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; and those with an educationally or financially disadvantaged background.

Nominations open for the 2024 ASCI / Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award

Nominations for the ASCI’s 2024 ASCI / Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award are now open.

This prestigious recognition, first called the ASCI Award, was renamed in 2006 in honor of Dr. Korsmeyer, the first recipient of the Award in 1998, who passed away in 2005. The Award recognizes individuals for their advancement of knowledge in a specific field and for mentoring future generations of life science researchers. Information on all past honorees is available here.

Current Active and International ASCI members are eligible for nomination. Prior nominees who remain eligible may be re-nominated. However, current ASCI Council members and prior Award recipients may not be nominated.

The deadline for receipt of nominations is October 25, 2023, at 11:59 pm Eastern. Nominations will be screened to ensure they are complete and fit the nomination criteria. The Council reviews nominations, with the outcome of review expected toward the end of November 2023.


  • may be any ASCI member in good standing, including members of the Council, and
  • must provide a statement (250-word limit) regarding the nominee.


  • must currently be an Active or International member (age 55 or younger);
  • must provide a biosketch, full curriculum vitae, and a trainee table; and
  • must complete the ASCI’s demographic survey.

To start a nomination:

Nominations may be started by the nominator or the nominee:

  • Access your member account
  • Go to the “Activities / nominations” tab
  • Go to the section for “ASCI / Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award”


For the nominator:

  • Select “I’m the nominator” option
  • Search for your nominee
  • Click on “Create nomination”
  • If the nominee has not already claimed her/his part of the nomination, click on “Send nominee information to access the nominee’s part of the nomination” to send the nominee an email to access and edit her/his aspect of the nomination (see above).
  • Supply the required information (see above)
  • Submit this aspect of the nomination

For the nominee:

  • Select “I’m the nominee” option
  • Supply the required information (see above)
  • Submit this aspect of the nomination

Nominations open for the 2024 Seldin~Smith Award for Pioneering Research

The ASCI is pleased to call for nominations for the 2024 Seldin~Smith Award for Pioneering Research. The annual award, accompanied by an unrestricted $30,000 grant to advance academic efforts, honors an early-career physician-scientist who has demonstrated exceptional creativity and accomplishments in biomedical research (see past recipients).

The deadline for receipt of nominations is Monday, November 27, at 11:59 pm Eastern (extended from October 31).

The nominee:

  • must be an MD (or the equivalent);
  • must be more than 2 years but not more than 6 years from first faculty (or the equivalent) appointment as of April 2024; and
  • spends substantial time in research while providing direct patient care.

A nomination must be started by the nominator, who then notifies the nominee to complete her/his part of the nomination. The nominee identifies the supporter of the nomination and notifies that person through the submission site to complete her/his support form.

Nominations will be screened to ensure they are complete and fit the nomination criteria. The Seldin~Smith Award Selection Committee reviews nominations and provides recommendations to the Seldin~Smith Award Advisory Committee to determine the recipient.

The nominator must be an ASCI member in good standing and must start the nomination:

  • Access your member account
  • Go to the “Nominations” tab, then to the “ASCI / Seldin~Smith Award for Pioneering Research” section
  • Select “I’m the nominator” option
  • Search for your nominee:
    • If found, click on “Create nomination”
    • If no result is found, provide and save the requested information (first name, last name, and email address), then click on “Create nomination” for the newly created nominee in the “Results” section
  • At the top of the nomination form, click on “Send access notification to the nominee at: <email>”
  • Provide a 500-word limit statement on the nominee’s most significant achievement
  • Submit the statement, which can be done regardless of whether the nominee’s part of the nomination is completed

The nominee receives an email with information to access her/his part of the nomination and then must:

  • Provide a birth date and address information
  • Provide a summary (100-word limit) of her/his research, followed by a notation of the percentage of time devoted to direct patient care
  • Provide detail of:
    • Degrees obtained
      • Year of first faculty or equivalent appointment
    • Current institutional affiliation
  • Upload:
    • Current NIH-style biosketch
    • Three significant publications, each with an annotation (100-word limit)
  • Identify the nomination’s supporter and sends notification to the supporter to access her/his support form
  • Complete a demographic profile
  • Submit this aspect of the nomination, which can be done regardless of whether the nominator or supporter has completed her/his statement

The supporter:

  • Does not need to be an ASCI member
  • Must be identified and notified by the nominee
  • Provides a statement (500-word limit) of the nominee’s research contributions (the statement should be distinct from that of the nominator)

On health equity in the physician-scientist workforce

Sherita Hill Golden, MD, MHS
Dr. Golden

The US Supreme Court’s recent decision to eliminate affirmative action in college admissions has begun a process of dismantling decades of progress toward creating a more equitable society. The long-term effects of these decisions will be a country that’s more polarized and more divided, and at the same time less healthy. Attracting diverse candidates to the physician-scientist workforce and ensuring their career longevity will become even harder. In turn, science and medicine that does not represent the perspectives, expertise, and creativity of our diverse population won’t as readily identify health and health-care disparities or develop innovative solutions to achieve health equity.

The jeopardy to those who are minoritized or marginalized is real. It’s a sad moment in which we find ourselves: although legal precedent — while diminished — would suggest continued equitable access and consideration, those who have been systematically disenfranchised face increased obstacles in light of the rulings.

We must all continue to advocate for justice and speak up for equity in whatever sphere we find ourselves. As the 2023–2025 Chair of the ASCI’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC), I’m proud of the many initiatives we’ve seen through since the Committee’s creation in October 2020. I’ll continue to work with our enthusiastic Committee members and the ASCI Council to ensure that the Society is truly representative.

Expanding on the ASCI’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, I’m pleased to announce the ASCI’s Postbac Program. Ben Humphreys, the ASCI’s 2023–2024 President, conceived the program, and the ASCI Council enthusiastically approved initial funds to ensure its success while we seek philanthropic support to expand the initiative.

The program provides an intensive two-year mentored laboratory research experience for students that will expose them to the physician-scientist career path, strengthen their applications to MD or MD/PhD programs, and enhance their career development. We have opened submissions for member host labs (see below) and in mid-September will call for applications to the program. We look forward to your engagement in this important effort.

Sherita Hill Golden, MD, MHS
On behalf of the DEIC and the ASCI Council

Call for host lab submissions

As part of the ASCI’s new Postbac Program, the ASCI is pleased to call for submissions from Society members who are interested in their labs serving as hosts for Program finalists for 2024–2026. Any member can provide a submission, provided dues are current (if applicable). The deadline for submissions is September 29, 2023, 11:59 pm Eastern.

Call for submissions: ASCI member host labs, 2024–2026

As part of the ASCI’s new Postbac Program, the ASCI is pleased to call for submissions from Society members who are interested in their labs serving as hosts for Program finalists for 2024–2026.

Any member can provide a submission by:

The deadline for submissions is October 10, 2023, 11:59 pm Eastern (extended from September 29).

Submissions consist of the following sections:

  • Your information
    • Your institution
    • Your trainee table (PDF upload); indicate UiMS mentees and if support was from a diversity supplement
  • About your lab
    • Lab website
    • Lab description and environment (500-word limit). Provide detail on mentoring awards, motivation for applying, and mentorship plan (what presentation will be expected, feedback provided, and participation).
    • Lab member who would be assigned for day-to-day mentoring of the postbac (name, position)
    • Assignee’s biosketch (PDF upload)
  • Institutional resources
    • Provide detail on aspects such as the requisite amount of bench/desk space in lab, faculty member to work with student on medical-school essay, institutional career development, and educational and networking opportunities.
    • Institutional stipend levels. The ASCI expects stipends to fall within the ranges of the NIH post-bac IRTA program, with the understanding that the cost of living ranges widely depending on location. Provide information for 2024–2025 and 2025–2026.
    • Indicate if you are able to supplement beyond your institution’s stipend amounts or beyond the ASCI’s maximum grant of $55,000 ($50,000 direct; $5,000 indirect).
  • Potential applicant (optional). Provide name and email address for a student who would be a suitable applicant for this program.

Call for applications, JCI Insight Editor, 2024–2029

The American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) invites applications for the position of Editor of JCI Insight. Founded in 2016, JCI Insight supports the ASCI’s mission of publishing high-quality biomedical research, with an emphasis on clinically relevant basic and translational research.  The ASCI seeks a dynamic Editor to lead a team of academic editors. The Editor should sustain the existing publication volume and provide a vision for attracting well-executed studies of interest from a range of disciplines and investigators at all career stages.

JCI Insight and the JCI are both governed by ASCI policies; however, each journal’s Editor and board are independent from each other. JCI Insight draws direct submissions and transfers from the JCI. The journal is online only, fully open access, and is supported by publication fees.

Duties of the Editor

The Editor is responsible for determining the scientific scope and content of JCI Insight; ensuring the quality and integrity of publications; assembling and leading an Editorial Board to handle research submissions; and meeting goals set by the Council and Publications Committee. The selected candidate will have responsibilities that include service on the ASCI Council. The term of office is 5 years and begins September 1, 2024.

Strategic Focus

The Editor in Chief must provide a clear vision for the future scientific development of JCI Insight, with a particular emphasis on how the journal can expand its portfolio of research publications, including scientific topics that may be underserved in other journals or in JCI Insight currently. The successful applicant should also articulate a vision for attracting high quality submissions to the journal, including any efforts for outreach to early career scientists. The Editor in Chief works in collaboration with the Editorial Board, JCI Insight’s professional editors, the ASCI publishing staff, and the ASCI Publications Committee to set priorities for the journal.

Eligibility of the Editor and Editorial Board

To be considered for the position of Editor, a candidate must:

  • be a member of the ASCI
  • demonstrate a strong scientific track record

For the proposed Editorial Board:

  • At least two-thirds must be ASCI members (active or senior) in good standing
  • Multi-institution applications are encouraged

Application timeline

  • September 15, 2023: Letters of intent (LOI) due. The LOI need only state the applicant’s intention to submit a full application, no further information is required at this stage. Applicants submitting LOI will receive an operational overview of the ASCI and JCI Insight for use in developing full applications.
  • January 8, 2024: Full applications due.
  • March 4, 2024: Finalists for the Editor position determined.
  • April 4, 2024: Editor Selection Committee interviews (in Chicago).

Full application requirements

Application materials should be completed by the proposed Editor. A single PDF should be supplied with the following sections in order:

Section 1: Application statement, not to exceed 5 single-spaced pages in 11-point font, detailing the following:

  • Describe your vision for the scientific scope of manuscripts published in the Journal under your leadership, including scientific areas you see as priorities for JCI Insight and areas you see as opportunities for growth.
  • Provide details of any proposed Editorial Board members. Describe how you will ensure that the team has the breadth to handle submissions across all specialties and ranging from basic research to clinical trials and bioinformatics.
  • Describe how the proposed Board will evaluate manuscripts and specific efforts to ensure scientific rigor, fair decisions, and timeliness. Additionally, comment on the criteria your board will use to select suitable articles to invite for transfer from the JCI to JCI Insight.
  • Describe your thoughts on the relationship between JCI Insight and the JCI in the ASCI family of journals.
  • In the event that you cannot complete the duration of the term, describe the process by which a candidate to replace the Editor would be identified (subject to approval by the Council and a vote by the membership).

Section 2: Full CV of proposed Editor.

Section 3: Brief, NIH-style CVs of any named potential Associate Editors.

Section 4: Statement from representatives of the proposed Editor’s institution (Department Chair and Dean or equivalent) outlining their commitment to provide appropriate protection of time for the Editor and members of the Editorial Board, and any space and technical and administrative support for Board meetings.

Section 5: A single-page letter from each proposed Board member stating a commitment to the role.

Applications are due January 8, 2024, and should be sent by email to

Finalists for the Editor position will be determined March 4, 2024. Interviews for finalists will be held April 4, 2024, in Chicago.

Submitting letters of intent and applications

Address materials to Benjamin Humphreys, MD, PhD, Chair of the Editor Selection Committee, and send as an attachment to


Contact Sarah Jackson, Executive Editor, at

Review of applications

An Editor Selection Committee will review applications, interview candidates, and recommend a selection to the ASCI Council, which then submits the recommendation to a vote of the Active segment of the ASCI membership.

Nominations for Active and International membership, 2024

Nominations for Active and International membership for 2024 are open and may be submitted through the extended deadline of September 18, 2023, 11:59 pm Eastern. All participants in a nomination should carefully review the information below. Send questions to

Navigate to section:

About this cycle

For the 2024 cycle, a bylaws amendment remains in effect to allow nominations of otherwise qualified individuals who are age 53 or younger on January 1, 2024, and whose work has been affected by extenuating circumstances. This amendment expires after the 2024 cycle, after which the age limit returns to 50.

Nominees in these categories:

  • must be physicians who have “accomplished meritorious original, creative, and independent investigations in the clinical or allied sciences of medicine” and who enjoy “unimpeachable moral standing in the medical profession” (as stated in the ASCI bylaws);
  • may not be nominated more than three times;
  • and must be age 53 or younger on January 1, 2024:
    • candidates age 50 or younger on January 1, 2024, are not required to submit information regarding extenuating circumstance that may have affected their work.
    • candidates age 51-53 on January 1, 2024, need not have been previously nominated and must provide information regarding extenuating circumstances that have affected their work.

Proposers are discouraged from nominating those whose qualifications may not be sufficiently advanced, or from re-nominating a candidate if the candidate’s work has changed little since their previous nominations.

The ASCI Council reviews nominations and may recommend up to 100 Active and International nominees for election. The Council presents the recommended nominee group to Active and Senior members to approve by vote. Those elected for 2024 will be recognized at the ASCI’s annual Dinner and New Member Induction Ceremony, April 5, 2024, as part of the 2024 AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting, April 5-7, at the Swissôtel Chicago.

Note that Council members may not serve in any capacity regarding nominations.

Nomination preparation guidance and instructions

A nomination requires one Proposer and one Seconder, both of whom must be ASCI members in good standing and (if applicable) current in Society dues. General Supporters are optional and are not required to be ASCI members.

There is no limit to the number of nominations a member can propose or support (either as Seconder or General Supporter).

The Proposer is ideally from an institution different from the nominee’s institution (although this is not required) and should have a good understanding of the nominee’s work. The Proposer is responsible for:

  • starting the nomination (see “ASCI account access” below);
  • granting access to the nominee to edit certain sections of the nomination (see detail in “Nomination sections” below); note that granting access is required, as demographic information can be supplied only by the nominee;
  • providing the “Proposer’s general statement on the nominee” (500-word limit) and “Statement on progress and development since previous nomination” (if applicable, 500-word limit);
  • ensuring that the nomination is accurate and complete; and
  • submitting the nomination.

Nominees can, when granted access, edit sections of the nomination except those exclusive to the Proposer. Only the nominee can provide demographic information.

The Seconder is ideally from an institution different from the nominee’s institution (although this is not required) and should have a good understanding of the nominee’s work. The Seconder is responsible for completing and submitting a form that includes:

  • scores for the areas enumerated in the form;
  • comments (500-word limit) that supplement, but do not duplicate, information provided by the Proposer and deal specifically with the nominee’s original scientific contributions; and
  • description of the relationship to the nominee.

General Supporters (not required; limited to 3 per nomination) may help to provide additional context for a nominee’s contributions, and to demonstrate wider support for the nominee beyond the candidate’s own institution, particularly if the Proposer and Seconder of a nomination are from the nominee’s institution. Anyone (including any ASCI member except those on the ASCI Council) may serve as a General Supporter. The General Supporter completes and submits a form that includes:

  • scores for the areas enumerated in the form;
  • comments (250-word limit) that supplement, but do not duplicate, information provided by the Proposer or the Seconder and deal specifically with the nominee’s original scientific contributions; and
  • description of the relationship to the nominee.

A nomination support template may be referenced in order to aid in drafting comments. Please note, however:

  • General Supporters who are ASCI members should complete and submit the required information online through their member accounts (see “ASCI account access”).
  • General Supporters who are not ASCI members should request that the Proposer add them to the nomination, where the Proposer can send emails to such supporters that include information about accessing their specific form.

ASCI account access

  • Access your account
  • Go to the “Activities / nominations” tab, navigate to the “Active and International membership” section, and click on “Search for a nominee”.
  • Enter the nominee’s last name (you may enter a partial name):
    • If the nominee is found, you’ll be prompted to select your role if available: Proposer, Seconder, or General Supporter.
    • If the nominee isn’t found, provide the requested information to add the nominee and start the nomination by selecting your role (see bullet point immediately preceding).

Nomination sections

  • About the nominee
    Proposer and nominee may edit this information.
  • Nominee’s demographic information
    Only the nominee may edit this information.
    The ASCI requests responses to questions in a brief, 9-section survey that will help provide the foundation for expanding diversity, fostering inclusion, and achieving equity in the ASCI. All response areas are voluntary, with a “Prefer not to answer” option available for each section. Anyone with access to person-specific information (such as ASCI leadership, members associated with review processes, and staff members) will be required to keep the information confidential. Depersonalized summary information of all response areas may be provided in periodic public reports.
  • Nominee’s institutional affiliation
    Proposer and nominee may edit this information.
  • Support for nomination
    — Only the Proposer has access to this section.
    Proposers may attach a Seconder and General Supporters to the nomination by searching the ASCI member directory; for a supporter who is not an ASCI member, Proposers must supply the supporter’s name and email address in order to attach the person to the nomination. After supporters are attached to the nomination, Proposers are provided the ability to notify them regarding their support forms.
  • Nominee’s biography
    Proposer and nominee may edit this information.
    A 300-word-limit description of the nominee’s research and accomplishments. Note that information supplied in this section will not be evaluated in review. This biography will be used to populate the nominee’s ASCI directory entry if the nominee is elected.
  • Documents
    Proposer and nominee may edit this information:
    • Full academic curriculum vitae, including:
      • current funding (clearly indicate whether the nominee is a principal investigator),
      • past funding,
      • invited lectures,
      • patents, and
      • full bibliography (with original research separated from other types of publications and the nominee’s name presented in bold face).
    • NIH-style biographical sketch (5-page limit), following the current format available at:
    • A high-resolution headshot photograph (for use if the nominee is recommended for election)
    • Three “Most significant publications,” excluding those representing work done by the nominee as a trainee. For each of these three files, an annotation is required and consists of two aspects:
      1. Author list in the original publication sequence, with the nominee’s name in capital letters, followed by numbered notation of the nominee’s role in parentheses (1 = principal investigator, 2 = collaborator), title, journal name, volume, inclusive page numbers, year, and Pubmed ID (PMID). Example:
        “John Q. Public and JANE DOE (1). Title. Journal. 1:1-10 (2015). PMID 1234”
      2. A description (50-word limit) of the publication’s key findings and significance.
  • Extenuating circumstances
    Proposer and nominee may edit this information.
    A nominee who is age 51-53 as of January 1, 2024, must select at least one of the extenuating circumstances provided: “elder care/other types of caregiving”; “child care”; “illness”; or “other”. An explanation of the circumstance(s) may be provided and is encouraged, but the explanation is optional.
  • Seminal contribution(s)
    —  Proposer and nominee may edit this information.
    Summarize the nominee’s defining seminal contribution(s) and why this work forms the basis for the nomination (75-word limit).
  • Proposer’s general statement on the nominee
    Only the Proposer has access to this section.
    In the Proposer’s own words (500-word limit), describe the quality, originality, and impact of the nominee’s scientific work and the consistency and importance of the nominee’s research theme. Include a statement on the level of independence from the nominee’s mentor(s) and the nominee’s productivity and stature in the field.
    • Proposers should expand upon the candidate’s seminal contribution(s), including the originality, novelty, and impact of this research on the field. Note any special circumstances (e.g., childbearing, personal or family illness) that influenced the candidate’s research activities.
    • Information regarding major awards, invitations to give plenary lectures (especially at national and international meetings), and invitations to write chapters in major textbooks should be included as applicable — the quality and quantity of work are important factors.
  • Statement on progress and development since previous nomination
    Proposer and nominee may edit this information.
    In the Proposer’s own words (500-word limit), describe the critical differences between this nomination and the previous nomination (if applicable).