Membership in the ASCI is attained through a process of nomination and election, as mandated by the ASCI’s bylaws.
For Active and International nominations, ASCI members propose and second nominees. The ASCI Council reviews nominations and, from these, provides Active, International, and Senior members with a recommendation of nominees for election. The nomination cycle is typically open mid-July through mid-September each year for potential election the following year.
2025 Active and International nominations
More about the process
When nominations are submitted, they are checked to ensure they are complete. The ASCI works with Proposers, supporters of nominations, and nominees when necessary to collect all information intended to accompany the nomination. Nominations for the following membership year may be submitted by the deadline specified for the current year.
Following the deadline for receipt, nominations are assigned for review by the Council. Typically two or more Council members review a nomination, which each Councilor scores on an NIH-style scale. All scores for a nomination are averaged, and a list of all nominations by average score is then available. This scoring and ranking takes place before the entire Council meets to discuss all nominations.
The Council may recommend up to 100 nominees for membership per year, as stated in the Society’s bylaws. Beyond this, each Council determines the group that represents the best quality from the pool of nominations. The Council concludes its review by producing a final list of those it recommends for election; this list is provided to the Active and Senior membership for a yes-or-no vote (the vote is for or against the entire list of those recommended, not for or against each individual person). After the results are received and audited, the result is official.