Call for nominations, 2017 Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award
Nominees for the Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award must be ASCI members who are 55 years of age or younger as of January 1, 2017. They shall have made significant contributions to biomedical science and shall have adhered to the principles of scientific excellence that the ASCI exemplifies. The nominee should have a record that reflects high standards of intellectual integrity, a deep and abiding respect for the community of biomedical scientists, and a strong commitment to mentoring the next generation of physician-scientists. Prior nominees may be re-nominated. However, current ASCI Council members and prior Award recipients may not be nominated.
Nominations consist of:
- a summary of the nominee’s accomplishments (in plain text, not to exceed 250 words),
- a brief NIH biosketch (as a PDF),
- and a trainee table (preferred as a PDF).
Nominations must be submitted by ASCI members through their online accounts.
The deadline for nominations is October 24, 2016, at 11:59 PM EDT.