Call for Council nominations, 2020

The Society seeks nominations for the following ASCI Council vacancies arising in 2020 (all terms begin and end in the spring):

  • Vice President (4-year term, 2020-2024),
  • Secretary-Treasurer Elect (3-year term, 2020-2023; first year is Councilor position, transitioning to Secretary-Treasurer for years 2 and 3), and
  • 2 Councilor positions (3-year term, 2020-2023).

All Council members are expected to support the activities of and attend the ASCI annual meeting, and to participate in the general governance of the Society, including two in-person meetings (fall and spring, coordinate with the annual meeting) and conference calls (typically every other month). All Council members participate in the review of membership nominations.

The Vice President transitions to President-Elect in year 2 and President in year 3. For the 2nd through 4th years of this position, this member is expected to participate significantly in matters related to the Joint Meeting. In the Presidential year (year 3), the member convenes a face-to-face Council meeting and oversees related review processes for nominations, notably including those to membership. The President works closely with the Association of American Physicians to create the annual meeting program, and the member presents the traditional Presidential Address at the meeting. In year 4, the President transitions to Immediate Past President, serving as an advisor to the current President and with full Council responsibilities and privileges.

The Council is supported by an Executive Director, Managing Director, and other staff members who oversee the day-to-day operations of the Society and effect initiatives as directed by the Council. For details on Officers and Councilors, see the ASCI Bylaws.

Members who will be 55 or younger in 2023 are eligible for nomination. The Society encourages members to consider diversity in identifying those suitable for nomination. Nominations may be submitted by any member and must be submitted through member accounts. Nominations must be submitted by September 24, 2019, at 11:59 PM EDT, and consist of a 250-word summary of the nominee, an indication for which vacancy (if any) the nominee should be considered, and an NIH-style brief biosketch (PDF only). (Note: Nominees should confirm that they are willing and able to serve on Council if selected; nominees may send a brief email to by the deadline.) Self-nominations are not allowed.

Call for nominations, 2020 Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award

Nominations for the ASCI’s 2020 Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award are now open. The recognition, first called the ASCI Award, was renamed in 2006 in honor of Dr. Korsmeyer, the first recipient of the Award in 1998, who passed away in 2005. The Korsmeyer Award recognizes individuals for their advancement of knowledge in a specific field and mentoring of future generations of life science researchers. Information on all past honorees is available here.

Nominees for the Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award must be ASCI members who are 55 years of age or younger as of January 1, 2020. They shall have made significant contributions to biomedical science and shall have adhered to the principles of scientific excellence that the ASCI exemplifies. The nominee should have a record that reflects high standards of intellectual integrity, a deep and abiding respect for the community of biomedical scientists, and a strong commitment to mentoring the next generation of physician-scientists. Prior nominees may be re-nominated. However, current ASCI Council members and prior Award recipients may not be nominated.

Nominations consist of:

  • a summary of the nominee’s accomplishments (in plain text, not to exceed 250 words),
  • a brief NIH biosketch (as a PDF),
  • a full curriculum vitae, including all publications and invited lectures (as a PDF),
  • and a trainee table (preferred as a PDF).

Nominations must be submitted by ASCI members through their online accounts.

The deadline for nominations is September 24, 2019, at 11:59 PM Eastern.