

Photograph of Dr. Christopher K. Glass

The American Society for Clinical Investigation is proud to present the ASCI Scientific Sessions: a monthly spotlight on distinguished investigators and their contributions to biomedical research. The Scientific Sessions are free and open to all, with a goal to create a space for our community, beyond the ASCI’s annual meeting, to gather and celebrate discovery.

Christopher K. Glass, MD, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. Glass’s laboratory has had a long-standing interest in elucidating the molecular mechanisms by which sequence specific transcription factors, co-activators, and co-repressors regulate the development and function of macrophages.

Current studies use a combination of genetics and genomics to define general molecular mechanisms that establish macrophage identity and cell-specific responses to homeostatic and pathogenic signals in mouse models and human subjects, with the goal to understand and modify pathological programs of macrophage gene expression that promote the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, hepatitis, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Dr. Glass’s many honors include the Endocrine Society’s Ernst Oppenheimer Award, and election to the Academy of Arts and Sciences (2014), the National Academy of Medicine (2015), and the National Academy of Sciences (2017). Dr. Glass was elected to the ASCI in 1995.

This session was moderated by Julie Saba, MD, the John & Edna Beck Chair in Pediatric Cancer Research and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Saba is a recent recipient of the Nucleate Pillar Venture Prize. She is currently a member of the ASCI’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

Upcoming Sessions

January 21, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (ET)

Alexander Marson, MD, PhD

Decoding and reprogramming T cell circuits with CRISPR

The American Society for Clinical Investigation is proud to present the ASCI Scientific Sessions: a bi-monthly spotlight on distinguished investiga...

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